
Año Autores Título Revista ISI
2017 Lisón, F., Altamirano, A., Field, R., Jones, G. Conservation on the blink: Deficient technical reports threaten conservation in the Natura 2000 network Biological Conservation 209: 11-16; doi.10.1016/jbiocon.2017.02.003 (ISI. Impact Factor: 3.985)
2017 Lisón, F., Espín, S., Aroca, B., Calvo, J.F., García-Fernández, A.J. Assessment of mercury exposure and maternal-foetal transfer in Miniopterus schreibersii (Chiroptera: Miniopteridae) from southeastern Iberian Peninsula Environmental Science and Pollution Research  doi:10.1007/s11356-016-8271-z (ISI. impact Factor: 2.760)
2017 Hector Herrera, Rafael Valadares, Domingo Contreras, Yoav Bashan & Cesar Arriagada Mycorrhizal compatibility and symbiotic seed germination of orchids from the Coastal Range and Andes in south central Chile. Mycorrhiza doi:10.1007/s00572-016-0733-0. (ISI. Impact Factor: 3.252).
2016 Miranda A, Hernández HJ, Bustamante R, Díaz EM, González LA, Altamirano A Regeneración natural y patrones de distribución espacial de la palma chilena Jubaea chilensis en los bosques mediterráneos de Chile central Gayana Botánica 73(1): 54-63.
2016 Alejandra Fuentes, Javier Ortiz, Nicolas Saavedra, Luis A. Salazar, Claudio Meneses,Cesar Arriagada Reference gene selection for quantitative real-time PCR in Solanum lycopersicum L. inoculated with the mycorrhizal fungus Rhizophagus irregularis. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry. 101, 124-131 (ISI. Impact Factor: 2.756).
2016 Alejandra Fuentes,Leonardo Almonacid, Juan Antonio Ocampo andCesar Arriagada Synergistic interactions between a saprophytic fungal consortium and Rhizophagus irregularis alleviate oxidative stress in plants grown in heavy metal contaminated soil. Plant and Soil. Volume 407, Issue 1, pp 355–366. (ISI. Impact Factor: 2.952)
2016 Altamirano A., Cely J.P., Etter A., Miranda A.,Fuentes-Ramirez A., Acevedo P., Salas C. & Vargas R. The invasive species Ulex europaeus (Fabaceae) shows high dynamism in a fragmented landscape of south-central Chile. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, doi: 10.1007/s10661-016-5498-6
2016 Christian Salas, Pablo J. Donoso, Rodrigo Vargas, Cesar A. Arriagada, Rodrigo Pedraza, and Daniel P. Soto. The Forest Sector in Chile: An Overview and Current Challenges. Journal of Forestry. 114 (5): 562-571. doi: (ISI. Impact Factor: 2.000)
2016 Espinosa A., Aravena S., Sandoval H.,Ojeda N.y Herrera MA. Hábitat de alimentación del carpintero negro (Campephilus magellanicus) en ecosistemas forestales del parque nacional Nahuelbuta, región de La Araucanía, Chile. Bosque
2016 Fuentes-Ramirez A., Veldman J.W., Holzapfel C. & Moloney K.A. Spreaders, igniters, and burning shrubs: Plant flammability explains novel fire dynamics in grass-invaded deserts. Ecological Applications, 26: 2311-2322.
2016 Miranda A, Altamirano A, Cayuela L, Lara A, González M Native forest loss in the Chilean biodiversity hotspot: revealing the evidence. Regional Environmental Change. DOI 10.1007/s10113-016-1010-7.
2016 Salas Ch, Donoso PJ, Vargas R, Arriagada CA, Pedraza R, Soto DP. The forest sector in Chile: an overview and current challenges Journal of Fores try 114 (5): 562-57
2015 M. Delgado & A. Zúñiga-Feest & L. Almonacid & H. Lambers & F. Borie. Cluster roots of Embothrium coccineum (Proteaceae) affect enzyme activities and phosphorus lability in rhizosphere soil. Plant Soil. DOI 10.1007/s11104-015-2547-9.
2015 Almonacid, L. Fuentes, A., Ortiz, J., Garcia-Romera, I, Ocampo, J.,Arriagada, C Mixing soil saprobe fungi with organic residues enhance plant responses of Solanum lycopersicum to the arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis. Soil Use and Management. 31, 155–164. (ISI. Impact Factor: 1.832)
2015 Altamirano A, Schlegel B, Thiers O, Miranda A, Pilquinao B, Orrego R, Rocha C. Biomass stock and potential energy for the dendroenergy development based on native forests of south-central Chile Bosque 36: 223-237
2015 Fuentes-Ramirez A., Mudrak E.L., Caragea P.C., Holzapfel C. & Moloney K.A. Assessing the impact of fire on the spatial distribution of Larrea tridentata in the Sonoran Desert, USA. Oecologia 178: 473-484.
2015 Fuentes-Ramirez A., Schafer J.L., Mudrak E.L., Schat M., Parag H.A., Holzapfel C. & Moloney K.A. Spatio-temporal impacts of fire on soil nutrient availability in Larrea tridentata shrublands of the Mojave Desert, USA. Geoderma 259: 126-133.
2015 J Medina; C Monreal; J.M. Barea; C Arriagada; F Borie; P Cornejo Crop Residue Stabilization and Application to Agricultural and Degraded Soils: A review. Waste Management. 42, 41-54 (ISI. Impact Factor: 3.157)
2015 L. Almonacid, A. Fuentes, J. Ortiz, C. Salas, I. Garcia-Romera, J. Ocampo & C. Arriagada. Effect of mixing soil saprophytic fungi with organic residues on the response of Solanum lycopersicum to arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. Soil Use and Management. DOI: 10.1111/sum.12160.
2015 Lisón, F., López-Espinosa, J. A., Calvo, J. F. & Jones, G. The diet of the meridional serotine Eptesicus isabellinus (Temminck, 1840) in an urban semiarid Mediterranean landscape Acta Chiropterologica, 17: 371-378
2015 Lisón, F., Sánchez-Fernández, D. & Calvo, J. F. Are species listed in the Annex II of the Habitats Directive better represented in Natura 2000 network than the remaining species? A test using Spanish bats. Biodiversity and Conservation, 24: 2459-2473
2015 Miranda A, Altamirano A, Cayuela L, Pincheira F, Lara A Different times, same story: native forest loss and landscape homogenization in three physiographical areas of south-central of Chile. Applied Geography 60: 20-28.
2015 Neophytou Ch, Gärtner SM, Vargas R, Michiels HG. 2015. Genetic variation of Central European oaks: shaped by evolutionary factors and human intervention? Tree Genetics & Genomes 11 (4): 1–15.
2015 Zoia Neira,Marcelo Saavedra, Soraya Calzadilla, Marcelo Hernández. Nuevos registros de poblaciones de CORYNABUTILON OCHSENII (PHIL.) KEARNEY en formaciones vegetales post incendio en la Reserva Nacional Malleco, Gayana Botánica Gayana Bot. 72(2): 385-387, 2015.
2014 Arriagada C, Almonacid L, Cornejo P, Garcia-Romera I, Ocampo J. Influence of an organic amendment, saprophytic and mycorrhizal fungi on soil quality and growth of Eucalyptus globulus in the presence of sewage sludge contaminated with aluminium. Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science. Vol. 60, No. 9, 1229–1248. (ISI. Impact Factor: 0.515)
2014 Cacho, O.J., S. Milne, R. Gonzalez, L. Tacconi. Benefits and costs of deforestation by smallholders: Implications for forest conservation and climate policy. Ecological Economics 107(6):321-332
2014 Cesar Arriagada, Leonardo Almonacid, Pablo Cornejo, Inmaculada Garcia-Romera & Juan Ocampo. Influence of an organic amendment comprising saprophytic and mycorrhizal fungi on soil quality and growth of Eucalyptus globules in the presence of sewage sludge contaminated with aluminium. Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science.
2014 Ha’apio, M.O., W. Leal Filho, R. Gonzalez, E. Holland and, M. Wairiu. Mapping the economic costs and benefits of Coral Triangle initiative (CTI) and Mangrove rehabilitation projects (MRP) in Solomon Islands A study of two MPAs and one MRP. International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology 21(5):414-421
2014 Lisón, F.& Calvo, J. F. Bat activity over small ponds in dry Mediterranean forests: implications for conservation Acta Chiropterologica, 16: 95-101
2014 Lisón, F., Haz, Á. & Calvo, J. F. Habitat preference of Eptesicus isabellinus (Temminck, 1840) in semiarid Mediterranean landscapes Animal Biodiversity and Conservation, 37: 59-67.
2014 Lisón, F., Haz, Á., González-Revelles, C. & Calvo, J.F. Sexual size dimorphism in greater mouse-eared bat Myotis myotis (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae) from a Mediterranean region Acta Zoologica, 95: 137-143
2014 Marcelo Saavedr¹, Zoia Neira,Soraya Calzadilla, Juan Carlos Correa, Segundo Oliva & Oscar Barra Conservando la trepadora endémica michay rojo (Berberidopsis corallina) en el Monumento Natural Contulmo, Región de La Araucanía. BIODIVERSIDATA
2014 Mudrak E.L., Schafer J.L., Fuentes-Ramirez A., Holzapfel C. & Moloney K.A. Predictive modeling of spatial patterns of soil nutrients related to fertility islands Landscape Ecology 29: 491-505.
2013 Altamirano A, Aplin P, Miranda A, Cayuela L, Algar A, Field R. High rates of forest loss and turnover obscured by classical landscape measures. Applied Geography 40: 199-211.
2013 Altamirano A, Salas C, Yaitul V, Smith-Ramírez C, Ávila A . The influence of landscape heterogeneity on forest fire occurrence in central Chile. Revista de Geografía del Norte Grande 55: 157-170.
2013 Lisón, F.& Calvo, J. F. Ecological niche modelling of three pipistrelle bat species in semiarid Mediterranean landscapes Acta Oecologica, 47: 68-73
2013 Lisón, F., Palazón, J. A. & Calvo, J. F. Effectiveness of the Natura 2000 Network for the conservation of cave-dwelling bats in a Mediterranean region Animal Conservation, 16: 528-537.
2013 Smith-Ramírez C, Arellano G, Hagen E, Vargas R, Castillo J & A Miranda. El rol de Turdus falcklandii (Aves: Passeriforme) como dispersor de plantas invasoras en el archipiélago de Juan Fernández. Revista Chilena de Historia Natural 86: 33-48.
2013 Vargas R, Gärdner S, Hagen E, Reif A. Tree regeneration in the threatened forest of Robinson Crusoe Island, Chile: the role of small-scale disturbances on microsite conditions and invasive species. Forest Ecology and Management. 307,255-265.
2013 Vargas, R., Gärtner, S., Alvarez, M., Hagen, E., Reif, A Does restoration help the conservation of the threatened forest of Robinson Crusoe Island? The impact of forest gap attributes on endemic plant species richness and exotic invasions. Biodivers Conserv. 22, 1283–1300.
2012 Altamirano A, Miranda A, Jiménez, C. Uncertainty of landscape indices for spatial
structure analysis
Bosque 33: 171-181
2012 C. Arriagada, M. García-Sanchez, R. Diaz, I Sampedro, I. Garcia-Romera and J.A. Ocampo. 2012. Suppressive effect of olive residue and saprobe fungi on the growth of Verticillium dahliae and its effect on the dry weight of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.). Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition. 12 (2): 303-313. (ISI. Impact Factor: 0.661).
2012 C. Arriagada; D. Manquel; P. Cornejo; J. Soto; I. Sampedro; J. Ocampo. Effects of the co-inoculation with saprobe and mycorrhizal fungi on Vaccinium corymbosum growth and some soil enzymatic activities. Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition. 12 (2): 283-294. (ISI. Impact Factor: 0.661).
2012 E. Aranda; I. Sampedro; M. García-Sanchez; R. Reina; Arriagada, C.; Ocampo, J.A.; I. García-Romera Reduced dry olive residue phytotoxicity in the field by the combination of physical and biological treatments. Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition. 12 (4): 631-635.(ISI. Impact Factor: 0.661).
2012 Fuentes-Castillo T, Miranda A, Rivera-Hutinel A, Smith-Ramírez C & M Holmgren. Nucleated regeneration of semiarid sclerophyllous forests close to remnant vegetation. Forest Ecology and Management 274, 38–47.
2012 García R.A., Fuentes-Ramirez A.& Pauchard A. Effect of two nitrogen-fixing invasive plant species on soil chemical properties in south-central Chile. Gayana Botanica 69: 189-192.
2012 Yadid Ordoñez, Francisco Aguirre, Mirna Inturias,Zoia Neira, Lorena Romero Gestión y apropiación de los recursos naturales por comunidades rurales en América Latina. Grupo Chorlavi
2012 Zoia Neira Ceballos, Ana M. Alarcón, Ivonne Jelves, Paz Ovalle, Ana M. Conejeros y Vanessa Verdugo. . Espacios ecológicos culturales en un territorio Mapuche de la región de la Araucanía en Chile. Ecological cultural spaces of a Mapuche territory in the araucaria Region – Chile. Chungara, Revista de Antropología Chilena. Volumen 44, Nº 2, Páginas 313-323.
2011 Fuentes-Ramirez A., Pauchard A. & Hauenstein E. Composición de la flora de praderas andinas en la Reserva Nacional Alto Bío-Bío (Lonquimay-Chile) y su relación con el régimen de pastoreo. Gayana Botanica 68: 27-38.
2011 Fuentes-Ramirez A., Pauchard A., Cavieres L.A. & García R.A. Survival and growth of Acacia dealbata vs. native trees across an invasion front in south-central Chile. Forest Ecology and Management 261: 1003-1009.
2011 Gibson M.R., Richardson D.M., Marchante E.M., Marchante H.S., Rodger J.C., Stone G.N., Byrne M., Fuentes-Ramirez A., George N., Harris C., Johnson S.D., Le Roux J.J., Murphy D., Pauw A., Prescott M.N. & Wandrag E. Reproductive biology of Australian Acacia species: important mediator of invasiveness? Diversity and Distributions 17: 911-933.
2011 Jeroen Staelens, Nele Ameloot, Leonardo Almonacid, Evelyn Padilla, Pascal Boeckx, Dries Huygens, Kris Verheyen, Carlos Oyarzún & Roberto Godoy. Litterfall, litter decomposition and nitrogen mineralization in old-growth vergreen and secondary deciduous Nothofagus forests in south-central Chile. Revista Chilena de Historia Natural.
2011 Lillo A., Ramírez H., Reyes F., Ojeda Ny Alvear M. Actividades biológicas del suelo de bosque templado en un transecto altitudinal, Parque Nacional Conguillío (38° S), Chile Bosque
2011 Lisón, F.& Calvo, J.F. The significance of water infrastructures for the conservation of bats in a semiarid Mediterranean landscape Animal Conservation, 14: 537-541
2011 M, García, Arriagada, C., García-Romera, I. and Ocampo. JA Are plant cell wall hydrolysing enzymes of saprobe fungi implicated in the biological control of the Verticillium dahliae pathogenesis?. Crop Protection. 30(1):85-87. (ISI. Impact Factor:1.331).
2011 Ojeda N., Rebolledo R., Calzadilla S., Soto H. y Morales L. A proposed methodology for the predictive and cartographic modeling of an insect population: Semidalis kolbei in the Araucanía Region, Chile. Ciencia e Investigación Agraria
2011 Ojeda N., Sandoval V., Casanova J-L., Herrera M.A., Morales L., San Martín J., Espinosa A. y Soto H. Discriminación de bosques de araucaria (Araucaria araucana) en el Parque Nacional Conguillio, centro-sur de Chile, mediante datos Landsat TM. Bosque
2011 Ojeda, N.; Sandoval, V.; Soto, H. Casanova, J.L.; Herrera, M.A.; Morales, L.; Espinosa, A. y J, San Martín. Discriminación de bosques de Araucaria (Araucaria araucana) en el Parque Nacional Conguillío, centro-sur de Chile, mediante datos Landsat TM+ Bosque, 32(2):113-125
2011 Reyes F., Lillo A., Ojeda N., Reyes M. y Alvear M. Efecto de la exposición y la toposecuencia sobre actividades biológicas del suelo en dos estaciones del año de un bosque relicto templado del centro-sur de Chile. Bosque
2011 Salas C., Ene L., Ojeda N. y Soto H. Métodos estadísticos paramétricos y no-paramétricos para predecir variables de rodal basados en Landsat ETM+: una comparación en un bosque de Araucaria araucana en Chile. Bosque
2011 Vargas R, Reif A, Faúndez MJ The forests of Robinson Crusoe Island, Chile: an endemism hotspot in danger. Bosque 32: 61-70
2010 Altamirano A, Field R, Cayuela L, Aplin P, Rey-Benayas JM, Lara A. Woody species diversity in temperate Andean forests: the need for new conservation strategies. Biological Conservation 143: 2080-2091
2010 Altamirano A, Lara A. Deforestation in temperate ecosystems of pre-Andean range of south-central Chile. Bosque 31: 53-64
2010 Arriagada, C., Pereira, G., García-Romera, I. and Ocampo. JA Improved zinc tolerance in Eucalyptus globulus inoculated with Glomus deserticola and Trametes versicolor or Coriolopsis rigida. Soil Biology & Biochemistry. 42:118-124. (ISI. Impact Factor:2.926).
2010 Fuentes-Ramirez A., Pauchard A., Marticorena A. & Sánchez P. Relación entre la invasión de Acacia dealbata Link (Fabaceae: Mimosoideae) y la riqueza de especies vegetales en el centro-sur de Chile. Gayana Botanica 67:176–185.
2010 Montalba, R., Rodríguez, P., Arriagada, C., Alvear, M and Zúñiga, G. Effects of conventional and organic nitrogen fertilizers on soil microbial activity, mycorrhizal colonization, leaf antioxidant content, and Fusarium wilt in highbush blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum L.). Scientia Horticulturae. 125: 775–778. (ISI. Impact Factor:1.197).
2010 Reyes, F.; Zanetti, S.; Espinosa, A.; Alvear, M. Biochemical properties in vascular ephyphites sustrates from a temperate forest of Chile Revista Chilena de Suelo y Nutrición Vegetal,10(2):126-138
2010 Vargas R.,Cuevas JG, Le Quesne C, Reif A, Bannister J Spatial distribution and regeneration strategies of the main forest species on Robinson Crusoe Island. Revista Chilena de Historia Natural 83: 349–363.
2009 Aranda, E., Sampedro, I., D íaz, R., García-Sanchez, M., Arriagada, C., Ocampo, J.A., and Garc ía-Romera. I. The effects of the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus Glomus deserticola on growth of tomato plants grown in the presence of olive mill residues modified by treatment with saprophytic fungi. Symbiosis. 47, 133Ð140. (ISI. Impact Factor:0.611).
2009 Arriagada, C., Aranda, E., Sampedro, I., García-Romera, I. and Ocampo. JA. Differential effect of Trametes versicolor and Coriolopsis rigida on the action of the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus Glomus deserticola on the copper tolerance of Eucalyptus globulus. Chemosphere. 77:273Ð278.(ISI. Impact Factor:3.054).
2009 Arriagada, C., Aranda, E., Sampedro, I., García-Romera, I. and Ocampo. JA. 2009. Contribution of the saprobic fungi Trametes versicolor and Trichoderma harzianum and the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi Glomus deserticola and G. claroideum to arsenic tolerance of Eucalyptus globulus. Bioresource Technology. 100:6250Ð6257. (ISI. Impact Factor:4.453).
2009 Arriagada, C., Pacheco, P., Pereira, G., Machuca, A., Alvear, M. and J A Ocampo. Effect of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal inoculation on Eucalyptus globulus Labill. seedlings and some soil enzyme activities under application of sewage sludge amendment. Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition. 9(2): 89-101. (ISI. Impact Factor: 0.596).
2009 Arriagada, C., Sampedro, I., Garc ía-Romera, I. and Ocampo. JA. Improvement of growth of Eucalyptus globulus and soil biological parameters by amendment with sewage sludge and inoculation with arbuscular mycorrhizal and saprobe fungi. Science of the Total Environment. 407:4799Ð4806. (ISI. Impact Factor:2.579).
2007 Altamirano A, Echeverría C, Lara A. Effect of forest fragmentation on vegetation structure of Legrandia concinna (Myrtaceae) threatened populations in south-central Chile. Revista Chilena de Historia Natural 80: 27-42
2007 Arriagada, C., Herrera, M. and Ocampo, J.A. Beneficial effect of saprobe and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on tolerance of Eucalyptus globulusco-cultured with Glycine max to heavy metal contaminated soil. Journal of Environmental Management. 84: 93-99. (ISI. Impact Factor:1.794).
2007 Arriagada, C., Herrera, M.A., Borie, F. and Ocampo, J.A. Contribution of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal and Saprobe Fungi to the Aluminum Resistance of Eucalyptus globulus. Water, Air and Soil Pollution. 182: 383-394. (ISI. Impact Factor:1.398)
2006 Salas, C.; LeMay, V.; Núñez, P.; Pacheco, P.; Espinosa, A. Spatial patterns in an old-growth Nothofagus obliquaforest in south-central Chile Forest Ecology and Management, Vol. 231, Nº1 (2006) 38–46